Monday 10 January 2011

Final response to the study of Jenny Saville

 During my first year at Sixth Form I was inspired by the works of Jenny Saville, which consequently impacted my work as well as my approach to art. Research into Saville’s work helped me recognise messages conveyed within art and understand reasons behind the nature of certain works. As with most of her work, Saville challenges the viewer's perception of her paintings by deliberately distorting parts of the work, and choosing subject matter containing shocking elements. Replicating her techniques; coupled with the life drawing course I undertook, empowered me to produce successful and engaging pieces of work, diverging from my usual style. 
This 5 foot canvass was my subsequent final response to the inspiration of Saville’s work. I used Saville’s techniques, including the deliberately shocking subject matter and rapid brush strokes within my carcass painting.

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